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Home » Boxing Nutrition: What carbohydrates are good to eat?

Boxing Nutrition: What carbohydrates are good to eat?

Boxing Nutrition – Carbohydrates fall initially into two primary categories: multi-ingredient or single ingredient complex and simple carbohydrates.

Bread, muffins, and bagels are yeast mold gluten bound.

They are inflammatory foods and can reduce metabolic efficiency and stimulate food sensitivities like digestive gas bloating slow digestion.

Even many of the “whole wheat grain” bread is colored to look darker or healthier. The fiber used in them is insoluble fibers.

The cheaper the better for the cereal companies.

Avoid these inflammatory food choices. No food consumed that contains yeast, mold, gluten, dairy or refined sugar.

No bread, muffins, bagels or whole wheat bread. Nothing that is considered a multi-ingredient starch.


Foods used daily should be one ingredient starches like potato, rice, yam, sweet potato, and oatmeal.

Focus on one ingredient starches like potatoes, rice, yams, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, oat flakes, fruits and vegetables.

One ingredient starches/carbs are your friends … multi-ingredient carbs are not.

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