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Home » Ryan Garcia releases statement, reveals contamination defense

Ryan Garcia releases statement, reveals contamination defense

Ryan Garcia has denied taking performance enhancing drugs in a statement sent by his legal team to World Boxing News.

The Golden Boy star sent out his defense less than an hour after writer Dan Rafael made the results of his B-sample public. They showed the same levels of ostarine as the A-sample.

Ahead of a ruling by the New York State Athletic Commission in conjunction with VADA, Garcia claims supplement continuation is responsible for the failures before and after last month’s Devin Haney victory.

Ryan Garcia’s legal defense

Garcia’s legal team, which consists of Paul Greene, Matt Kaiser, Darin Chavez, and Guadalupe Valencia, told WBN: “Ryan Garcia is committed to clean and fair competition and has never intentionally used any banned substance.

“Soon after being notified of his positive test, Ryan voluntarily had his hair collected and shipped to Dr. Pascal Kintz, the foremost expert in toxicology and hair-sample analysis. The results of Ryan’s hair sample came back negative. This is consistent with contamination and demonstrably proves that Ryan had not ingested Ostarine over a period of time — the only way he would have had any advantage whatsoever in the ring.

“Ryan has voluntarily submitted to tests throughout his career, which have always shown negative results. He also tested negative multiple times leading up to the fight against Haney.

“All of these factors, combined with his ultra-low levels from samples taken on April 19th and 20th [in the billionth of a gram range], point to Ryan being a victim of supplement contamination and never receiving any performance enhancing benefit from the microscopic amounts in his system.

“We are certain that one of the natural supplements Ryan was using in the lead-up to the fight will prove to be contaminated and are in the process of testing the supplements to determine the exact source.”

Strict liability

While the investigation into potential contamination begins, Garcia anxiously awaits how much of his career he could lose. The fact that strict liability is in play will make Garcia’s defense even more challenging, with Haney pushing for a results reversal or, at the least, a no-contest ruling.

Punishments can carry two- and four-year suspensions, which Garcia had previously stated he wasn’t worried about. The 25-year-old promised to launch his own boxing league and compete there if the NYSAC hands down a lengthy ban.

Read all articles and exclusive interviews by Phil Jay. Learn more about the author, experienced boxing writer, and World Boxing News Editor since 2010. Follow on Twitter @PhilJWBN.