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Home » Boxing Nutrition: The benefits of eggs and fresh fruit

Boxing Nutrition: The benefits of eggs and fresh fruit

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Dr. Philip Goglia, the WBC Boxing Nutrition Committee Chairman, once again air his expert views on what participants should be ingesting into their bodies.

The latest is whole eggs and fresh fruits.

Eggs are a fantastic source of protein. They are one of the highest natural choices of protein available. Only to be surpassed by pharmaceutical whey protein.

Eggs are transportable and can be prepared in several different ways for flavor and texture, poached, boiled, scrambled, frittata, over easy or sunny-side up.

As well eggs are a great source of choline, inositol, lecithin, and essential fatty acids. An egg contains approximately 70 to 90 calories of highly utilizable fat and protein, depending upon egg size.


Fresh fruit items or nearly 1 cup of fruit are approximately 100 c of fructose (sugar).

All fruits are a part of your energy source groupings of food choices.

Some fruits are higher in fiber or water content than others. Some fruits have higher anti-oxidant content than others.

The darker the fruit, the better. Berries, etc. All great choices for metabolic, immune, and energy system support.

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