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Home » Jermain Taylor’s attorney requests mental assessment

Jermain Taylor’s attorney requests mental assessment

The 36 year-old has hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons in the past six months, having been arrested on more than one occasion for firearms offences. Alexander is determined to get the bottom of Taylor’s current well-being following a disturbing gun incident at last week’s Martin Luther King Parade.

“Everybody is saying this isn’t the Jermain Taylor they know,” Alexander stated to “We’re trying to figure out who in the heck it is.”

Before Taylor is moved, he must attend court for one more hearing, according to the report by Gavin Lesnick, but could conceivably be allowed to swap his current remand status for secure hospitalization later on Tuesday.

Electronic tagging and drug testing measures are to be discussed when Taylor and Alexander make their latest case in front of a judge, although prosecuting attorney John Johnson has fiercely oppose the switch by calling the Little Rock fighter ‘a danger to himself and other people’ around him.

Once approved and tests are complete, Taylor will be expected back in court on February 10 for the findings.